Meet Mullets for Munz
The Mullets for Munz crew are all too familiar with the devastating impact of losing a loved one to suicide. They are fundraising in loving memory of their friend and classmate, Nick Munsie who was 18 years old when he took his own life. In 2021, the 100 strong high-school team were dedicating their mullets to Nick and promoting mental health to help save lives.
"The purpose of cutting our mullets is to raise awareness for mental health. We aim to help break down the stigma that keeps men from speaking up. We hope that no one goes through the situation we have been through. It is avoidable. Break down the stigma." says Harry, Team Captain.
The team were going above and beyond to raise as much money as they can for mental health research and education. By week three of September 2021 they had already raised $300,000 for Black Dog Institute. They had been overwhelmed with the community’s generosity and had collaborated with businesses to give their supporters donation incentives, such as organising an online raffle.

Meet Michael
Michael fundraised for Black Dog Institute to honour the memory of his friend, Tyson and help support others impacted by mental illness.
Michael acknowledges that with the impact of COVID-19 restrictions it's more important than ever to raise awareness about mental health and support one another. He has been growing his mullet for a year and will let it go for Mullets for Mental Health at the end of September.
"While it’s become a part of me, the time has finally come to shave it all off in order to help raise money for the Black Dog Institute during a time when the battle against mental illness is becoming increasingly difficult," Michael said.

Meet Sam
Sam grew a mullet to spark conversation, empower those silently suffering, and support a mentally healthier world.
Sam states that mental illness touches all our lives in different, but equally challenging ways and it's more important than ever, in the face of the social and emotional challenges of the covid-19 era, that we stand together to show support and compassion.
Sam advises that we need to come together, across government, society, our homes and friendship groups and workplaces, to empower the change required to adequately support mental health awareness, prevention, and treatment. Together, we must look toward the creation of better outcomes for those suffering with mental ill health in our country.

Meet Joshua
Josh's work introduced new health regulations which meant he had to shave off his beard, so he decided to make the most of it by shaving off his beard, skullet and eyebrows to make a difference for Black Dog Institute. Josh raised over $5,700 for mental health!
"I had my mullet (skullet) for 8 years, I loved it.
I always looked after my skullet. People thought it was a bad haircut so I always washed it and made it at least look nice. I work at McArthur River Mine so I do fly in fly out work. My hair would get so dirty at work that I’d have to wash it three times a day.
I found my fundraiser rewarding because I know what the Black Dog Institute does for people. They have helped out a few people I know. Mental health affects a lot of people on mine sites, being away from their family so much due to the fly in fly out nature of the job."