For Sneddo ❤️

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Support our mullets for better mental health

We're all ears for Black Dog Institute's Mullets for Mental Health.

9 people in Australia die by suicide every day. Over 75% of mental health problems occur before the age of 25.

This April, we will be rocking our mullets to raise funds and show that we're all ears for better mental health.

Our mullets and funds raised will help us drive real change and fund ground-breaking mental health research. This will put digital services and education into the hands of people who need it the most.

It would mean a lot to us if you donated to support our mullets.

Together, we can create better mental health for all Australians.

Our Impact

So far this year we have helped provide…


people with suicidal thoughts help when they need it most.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Kate Short


Cliff Harper



A good bloke gone way too soon…😢


Justin Mccarren

Hey mate, I hope you are doing ok. Sneddo was a great bloke taken away to soon


Paige Oliver




Amanda K



Awesome Hun 🫶🏼


Tori Middlebrook


Sandra Cattermole

For the cause


Yuan Yeap


Kayla Weeks


Adelle & Mia

Kia kaha ❤️




Aaron Hay


Sam Tan

Amazing work! Kinda suits you! 🙃


Swifty Van Dyk


Damyian Mourkos



Matt Cuza




Jessica Molnar

Onya mate!


Rechel Atkinson

Proud of you Cus


Uiti Levi



Great work buddy


Joel Treharne


Kerry &elinor


Jayme Scanlan

Your friend would be so proud of you and your mates for supporting an amazing cause 💙


Tianna Clancy

You’re doing amazing work, keep it up ❤️


Anita Rajah


Andrew S


Kiera Wilson