Newman College

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Our Impact

So far this year we have helped provide…


people with suicidal thoughts help when they need it most.

Support our mullets for better mental health

We're all ears for Black Dog Institute's Mullets for Mental Health.

9 people in Australia die by suicide every day. Over 75% of mental health problems occur before the age of 25.

This April, we will be rocking our mullets to raise funds and show that we're all ears for better mental health.

Our mullets and funds raised will help us drive real change and fund ground-breaking mental health research. This will put digital services and education into the hands of people who need it the most.

It would mean a lot to us if you donated to support our mullets.

Together, we can create better mental health for all Australians.

Thank you to our Sponsors

Legendary Donation


Newman College Students' Club


Christl Commins

Good luck.


Newman Jesuit Community

Well done, all of you. Especially Anne!


David Lee




Nicola Commins

Well done Raphael on participating to raise funds.



Well done Rapha!




Anne Michelle Lee


Patricia Burt


Alyssa Lee-knauer

Still think you should go with the skullet


Proud Dad Sam!

Go on you Ed!


John Wong




Will Swan


Lilli, Paul & Sue Allan

Great cause well done Ann! Love Lilli, Paul & Sue Allan❤️🫶


Bill Uren




Safety Mate Matched Contribution


Polly Allchin

Rock on mullet man 🤘🤘🦁🤘🤘



Go Anne!


Will Swan

Proud of you Ollie!



As long as there is a short back and sides later …..


Helen Young

Good on you Anne. Can’t wait to see your new hair style.


Isabella Commins

On ya!! Proud of you


Bronwyn Dunwoodie


Ed Plunkett


Lem Daddy

Get it LeBronson!



Love your work Rapha! Brilliant cause and initiative 🤝




Safety Mate Matched Contribution


Greta Anthonypillai

Proud of you Jeremy


Diesel Hill




Charlie Marshall





Jane Miethke


Facebook Donation


Facebook Donation


Raphael Commins




Charlotte O'shea

You're a braver woman than I....thanks for taking one for the team!


Facebook Donation


Bronson Hill


Facebook Donation


Geoff Desira




Louis Commins

Go son


Lisa Poore

Well done Anne!


Sam Breuer

King shit mate. New found respect for Olliecuts


S. Bretherton


Facebook Donation


Matthew Milner

Snuss daddy


Stella Mcgrath


Karlee Smith


Luca Maher


Oliver Scalzo

Great work mate



Count down for mullet day is on!


Facebook Donation


Ollie Fraser


Jeremy Noonan


Lewis Cleary

Get a skullet u prick


Jeremy Noonan


Jeremy Noonan


Jeremy Noonan


Gregor Burns

Hey gorgeous, can’t wait for the mullet look 😘


Archie Tiernan



Lucy Meagher

love this guys!! 🙌🙌 great cause, slay kings


Izzy Mcardle

Go jack


Grace Kirkham


Oliver Beretta

Good stuff bro


Jack Thomson



Clare Jennings

Good luck Anne and all students and staff at Newman.



Mullets for dayz


J Wong

I love that you’re doing this!


Hamish Poole

Lobe your work cutie




James Day

Ur cute



Go Rapha! Xx




Orlando Coombe

Good stuff ma boi


Ella Bounader
